markey cancer center / en Butterfield to Receive Mentoring Excellence Award from Major National Society /butterfield-receive-mentoring-excellence-award-major-national-society <span>Butterfield to Receive Mentoring Excellence Award from Major National Society</span> <div><p>Allan Butterfield will be receiving the Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine’s Mentoring Excellence Award at the society's national conference in Seattle, Nov. 19-23.</p> </div> <span><span>mngr222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-10-16T12:31:09-04:00" title="Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 12:31 pm">Thu, 10/16/2014 - 12:31 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/butterfield-receive-mentoring-excellence-award-major-national-society" rel="tag" title="Butterfield to Receive Mentoring Excellence Award from Major National Society" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Butterfield to Receive Mentoring Excellence Award from Major National Society</span></a></li></ul> Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:31:09 +0000 mngr222 258337 at Butterfield's Research Garners International Recognition /butterfields-research-garners-international-recognition <span>Butterfield's Research Garners International Recognition</span> <div><p>Allan Butterfield describes his current project as "one of the most intellectually stimulating projects I've ever worked on."</p> </div> <span><span>jcho222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-03-17T11:20:38-04:00" title="Monday, March 17, 2014 - 11:20 am">Mon, 03/17/2014 - 11:20 am</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/butterfields-research-garners-international-recognition" rel="tag" title="Butterfield's Research Garners International Recognition" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Butterfield's Research Garners International Recognition</span></a></li></ul> Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:20:38 +0000 jcho222 223855 at UK Researchers Find Low Vitamin D Causes Damage to Brain /uk-researchers-find-low-vitamin-d-causes-damage-brain <span>UK Researchers Find Low Vitamin D Causes Damage to Brain</span> <div><p>Dr. Allan Butterfield, professor in the UK Department of ɫƵ and lead author of the paper, explains the findings.</p> </div> <span><span>mngr222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2013-12-03T13:25:24-05:00" title="Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 01:25 pm">Tue, 12/03/2013 - 01:25 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/uk-researchers-find-low-vitamin-d-causes-damage-brain" rel="tag" title="UK Researchers Find Low Vitamin D Causes Damage to Brain" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about UK Researchers Find Low Vitamin D Causes Damage to Brain</span></a></li></ul> Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:25:24 +0000 mngr222 209690 at UK's "Triple Crown" of Research Means Big Things for Kentucky /uks-triple-crown-research-means-big-things-kentucky <span>UK's "Triple Crown" of Research Means Big Things for Kentucky</span> <div><p>The ɫƵ recently accomplished the “triple crown” of the academic medical world, earning three highly competitive grants and certifications.</p> </div> <span><span>mngr222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2013-09-27T12:15:41-04:00" title="Friday, September 27, 2013 - 12:15 pm">Fri, 09/27/2013 - 12:15 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/uks-triple-crown-research-means-big-things-kentucky" rel="tag" title="UK's &quot;Triple Crown&quot; of Research Means Big Things for Kentucky" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about UK's "Triple Crown" of Research Means Big Things for Kentucky</span></a></li></ul> Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:15:41 +0000 mngr222 206967 at Groundbreaking UK Study Shows Key Enzyme Missing from Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer /groundbreaking-uk-study-shows-key-enzyme-missing-aggressive-form-breast-cancer <span>Groundbreaking UK Study Shows Key Enzyme Missing from Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer</span> <div><p>A groundbreaking new study led by the ɫƵ Markey Cancer Center's Dr. Peter Zhou found that triple-negative breast cancer cells are missing a key enzyme that other cancer cells contain — providing insight into potential therapeutic targets to treat the aggressive cancer.</p> </div> <span><span>smru222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2013-03-04T14:16:06-05:00" title="Monday, March 4, 2013 - 02:16 pm">Mon, 03/04/2013 - 02:16 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/groundbreaking-uk-study-shows-key-enzyme-missing-aggressive-form-breast-cancer" rel="tag" title="Groundbreaking UK Study Shows Key Enzyme Missing from Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Groundbreaking UK Study Shows Key Enzyme Missing from Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer</span></a></li></ul> Mon, 04 Mar 2013 19:16:06 +0000 smru222 194864 at