chris richards / en Richards, Pauly Research Mechanism of Nicotine Addiction /richards-pauly-research-mechanism-nicotine-addiction <span>Richards, Pauly Research Mechanism of Nicotine Addiction</span> <div><p>By Gail Hairston</p> <div> <p><img alt src="/sites/default/files/FluoCell%20Test_9%207%202017.jpg">Two ɫƵ professors have been awarded funding to help elucidate the mechanism of nicotine addiction and to identify targets for nicotine cessation therapeutics.</p></div></div> <span><span>jstayl1</span></span> <span><time datetime="2017-09-13T09:09:44-04:00" title="Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - 09:09 am">Wed, 09/13/2017 - 09:09 am</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/richards-pauly-research-mechanism-nicotine-addiction" rel="tag" title="Richards, Pauly Research Mechanism of Nicotine Addiction" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Richards, Pauly Research Mechanism of Nicotine Addiction</span></a></li></ul> Wed, 13 Sep 2017 13:09:44 +0000 jstayl1 356762 at Richards and Pauly Awarded funds for Research on Therapeutic Targeting in Nicotine Addiction /richards-and-pauly-awarded-funds-research-therapeutic-targeting-nicotine-addiction <span>Richards and Pauly Awarded funds for Research on Therapeutic Targeting in Nicotine Addiction </span> <div><p>Assistant Professor Chris Richards (UK ɫƵ) and Professor James Pauly (UK Pharmacy) have been awarded funding to help elucidate the mechanism of nicotine addiction and to identify targets for nicotine cessation therapeutics. The $760,000 grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health is titled "Single Molecule Determination of nAChR Structural Assembly for Therapeutic Targeting.”</p></div> <span><span>saodom0</span></span> <span><time datetime="2017-09-05T20:54:54-04:00" title="Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - 08:54 pm">Tue, 09/05/2017 - 08:54 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/richards-and-pauly-awarded-funds-research-therapeutic-targeting-nicotine-addiction" rel="tag" title="Richards and Pauly Awarded funds for Research on Therapeutic Targeting in Nicotine Addiction " hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Richards and Pauly Awarded funds for Research on Therapeutic Targeting in Nicotine Addiction </span></a></li></ul> Wed, 06 Sep 2017 00:54:54 +0000 saodom0 356617 at Light Microscopy Core Instruments, Staff Boost Research Capacity at UK /light-microscopy-core-instruments-staff-boost-research-capacity-uk <span>Light Microscopy Core Instruments, Staff Boost Research Capacity at UK</span> <div><p>The Light Microscopy Core, a newly named research core facility under the auspices of the&nbsp;<a href="">Office of the Vice President for Research</a>, has invested $1.3 million in two new microscopes to support an array of research across the ɫƵ. <a href="/users/ciri222">Dr.</a></p></div> <span><span>saodom0</span></span> <span><time datetime="2016-11-17T11:14:04-05:00" title="Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 11:14 am">Thu, 11/17/2016 - 11:14 am</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/light-microscopy-core-instruments-staff-boost-research-capacity-uk" rel="tag" title="Light Microscopy Core Instruments, Staff Boost Research Capacity at UK" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Light Microscopy Core Instruments, Staff Boost Research Capacity at UK</span></a></li></ul> Thu, 17 Nov 2016 16:14:04 +0000 saodom0 324727 at UK Researchers DeRouchey, Richards and Yang Awarded NSF Grant to Develop New Imaging and Data Collection Platform /uk-researchers-awarded-nsf-grant-develop-new-imaging-and-data-collection-platform <span>UK Researchers DeRouchey, Richards and Yang Awarded NSF Grant to Develop New Imaging and Data Collection Platform</span> <div><p>&nbsp;A new instrument to be developed by ɫƵ researchers will overcome current limitations in fluorescence microscopy and could accelerate basic scientific discoveries.</p> </div> <span><span>trra223</span></span> <span><time datetime="2016-04-25T13:01:30-04:00" title="Monday, April 25, 2016 - 01:01 pm">Mon, 04/25/2016 - 01:01 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/uk-researchers-awarded-nsf-grant-develop-new-imaging-and-data-collection-platform" rel="tag" title="UK Researchers DeRouchey, Richards and Yang Awarded NSF Grant to Develop New Imaging and Data Collection Platform" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about UK Researchers DeRouchey, Richards and Yang Awarded NSF Grant to Develop New Imaging and Data Collection Platform</span></a></li></ul> Mon, 25 Apr 2016 17:01:30 +0000 trra223 308860 at Biomolecular Capture and Transport Through Synthetic Nanopores /chemistry-department-seminar-spring-2016-wanunu <span>Biomolecular Capture and Transport Through Synthetic Nanopores</span> <span><span>cagi232</span></span> <span><time datetime="2016-03-16T09:34:57-04:00" title="Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 09:34 am">Wed, 03/16/2016 - 09:34 am</time> </span> <div><p><img alt height="612" src="/sites/default/files/Web-Meni_0.jpg" width="792" loading="lazy"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Nanopores are miniaturized electrical sensors with arguably the smallest detection volumes (sub-yoctometers, or below 10<sup>-24</sup> m<sup>3</sup>).[<a href="#_ENREF_1"><u>1</u></a>]Detection of molecules using nanopores involves electrical monitoring of ion current flow through a pore using a pair of electrodes placed across the nanopore-containing membrane. Our group focuses on the use of nanopores that range from 1 to 10 nm in all dimensions (diameter and thickness). We fabricate such nanopores using a combination of state-of-the-art ultrathin membrane fabrication and focused electron beam irradiation using a transmission electron microscope. Recently, we have found that nanopore dimensions critically determine the quality of detection and discrimination of biomolecules. I will talk about our efforts to distinguish different types of tRNA molecules, RNA-drug complexes,[<a href="#_ENREF_2"><u>2</u></a>]and proteins[<a href="#_ENREF_3"><u>3</u></a>]. In addition, I will mention our efforts to control DNA transport through nanopores, useful for genomic mapping.[<a href="#_ENREF_4"><u>4</u></a>]Finally, I will mention our studies that probe nucleosomal interactions and influence by epigenetic factors,[<a href="#_ENREF_5"><u>5</u></a>]as well as our latest efforts in combining nanopores and optical waveguides for direct DNA sequencing from picogram-level genetic material</p> </div> <div> <div class="field-label font-bold inline-block">Date: </div> <div class="field-items inline-block"> <div><time datetime="2016-04-01T20:00:00Z">Friday, April 1, 2016 - 04:00 pm</time> - <time datetime="2016-04-01T21:00:00Z">Friday, April 1, 2016 - 05:00 pm</time> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="field-label font-bold inline-block">Location: </div> <div class="inline-block">CP - 114</div> </div> <div> <div class="field-label font-bold inline-block">Tags/Keywords: </div> <div class="field-items inline-block"> <div><a href="/tag/meni-wanunu-0" hreflang="en">Meni Wanunu</a></div> <div><a href="/tag/chris-richards" hreflang="en">chris richards</a></div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="field-label font-bold inline-block">Event Series: </div> <div class="field-items inline-block"> <div><a href="/event-type/chemistry-department-seminar" hreflang="en">ɫƵ Department Seminar</a></div> </div> </div> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/chemistry-department-seminar-spring-2016-wanunu" rel="tag" title="Biomolecular Capture and Transport Through Synthetic Nanopores" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about Biomolecular Capture and Transport Through Synthetic Nanopores</span></a></li></ul> Wed, 16 Mar 2016 13:34:57 +0000 cagi232 308123 at UK's Chris Richards Awarded Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant /uks-chris-richards-awarded-human-frontier-science-program-research-grant <span>UK's Chris Richards Awarded Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant</span> <div><p>Chris Richards, assistant professor in the Department of ɫƵ, received a Human Frontier Science Program research grant for a project focused on understanding complex biological processes.</p> </div> <span><span>mngr222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-04-24T12:09:05-04:00" title="Thursday, April 24, 2014 - 12:09 pm">Thu, 04/24/2014 - 12:09 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/uks-chris-richards-awarded-human-frontier-science-program-research-grant" rel="tag" title="UK's Chris Richards Awarded Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about UK's Chris Richards Awarded Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant</span></a></li></ul> Thu, 24 Apr 2014 16:09:05 +0000 mngr222 242494 at UK ɫƵ Department Hosts 2013 Naff Symposium /uk-chemistry-department-hosts-2013-naff-symposium <span>UK ɫƵ Department Hosts 2013 Naff Symposium</span> <div><p>The ɫƵ's annual Naff Symposium will host three leading chemistry experts from around the world, including a Nobel prize winner, Friday, April 12, at UK's William T. Young Library auditorium.</p> </div> <span><span>smru222</span></span> <span><time datetime="2013-03-20T14:10:19-04:00" title="Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 02:10 pm">Wed, 03/20/2013 - 02:10 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/uk-chemistry-department-hosts-2013-naff-symposium" rel="tag" title="UK ɫƵ Department Hosts 2013 Naff Symposium" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about UK ɫƵ Department Hosts 2013 Naff Symposium</span></a></li></ul> Wed, 20 Mar 2013 18:10:19 +0000 smru222 198856 at New Faculty 2012: Meet Chris Richards /podcasts/new-faculty-2012-meet-chris-richards <span>New Faculty 2012: Meet Chris Richards</span> <div><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Department of ɫƵ</a> is excited to welcome professor <a href="/users/ciri222">Chris Richards</a> to its faculty!</p> <p>Professor Richards joins us this fall to research cell membrane receptors. His research group integrates nanotechnology, neuroscience, and biophysical chemistry, and is developing imaging techniques to investigate how these receptors are involved in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and addiction.</p></div> <span><a title="View user profile." href="/users/ciri222">ciri222</a></span> <span><time datetime="2012-09-04T17:47:33-04:00" title="Tuesday, September 4, 2012 - 05:47 pm">Tue, 09/04/2012 - 05:47 pm</time> </span> <ul class="links inline"><li><a href="/podcasts/new-faculty-2012-meet-chris-richards" rel="tag" title="New Faculty 2012: Meet Chris Richards" hreflang="en">Read more<span class="visually-hidden"> about New Faculty 2012: Meet Chris Richards</span></a></li></ul> Tue, 04 Sep 2012 21:47:33 +0000 ciri222 185719 at