ࡱ> \^[_ nbjbj .85\5\nFFFFFZZZZ$~TZBFtEEEEEEE$GlJEF[[[EFFE###[FFE#[E##RBD| 1.BEF0BFCJ_zJ<DJFDD#LEE!BF[[[[J> : Vita Kim R. Woodrum Current Position: Senior Lecturer Business:Department of ɫƵHome:324 Taylor Dr.ɫƵLexington, KY 40511Lexington, KY 40506-0055(859) 227-7672(859) 257-1551FAX: (859) 257-3936E-mail: kwood2@uky.edu Personal Born, July 14, 1963, Oakley, Kansas Married, M. Kevin Woodrum, 1987 Three Children Logan Michael (born 5/11/93) Jennifer Rachelle (born 6/28/95) Megan Marie (born 2/11/97) Professional Preparation ɫƵ ɫƵ B.S. 1986, with high distinction ɫƵ ɫƵ Ph.D. 1989, Prof. Kurt Niedenzu, Preceptor Professional Experience 2009 Present Sr. Lecturer, ɫƵ 2000 2009 Lecturer, Director of General ɫƵ, ɫƵ 1994 2000 Part-Time Instructor, ɫƵ 1992 1993 Associate Professor, Lexington Community College 1990 1992 Assistant Professor, Lexington Community College 1989 1990 Instructor, Morehead State University 1988 1989 Teaching Assistant, ɫƵ 1986 1989 Graduate Research Assistant, ɫƵ 1984 1985 Undergraduate Research, ɫƵ Professional Awards: ɫƵ Panhellenic Society Outstanding Professor Award, awarded May 2006. Sorority organization, student nominated award. ɫƵ Alumni Association Great Teacher Award, awarded February 2007. Student nominated award. Teaching Excellence in Support of Professional Nursing Award, awarded May 2009. Nominated by Director of Undergraduate Studies, College of Nursing. ɫƵ College of Education A Teacher Who Made a Difference, awarded March 2008, April 2009, April 2011, April 2012, April 2014. Student nominated award. Delta Zetas 2011-2012 Professor of the Year. Student nominated award. College of Arts and Science Outstanding Teacher Award, ɫƵ, awarded May 2013 Office of the Provost Outstanding Teacher Award, ɫƵ, awarded May 2013 Current Research Interests Chemical education methods for the incorporation of active learning into the large lecture classroom. On-line learning resources for McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Research Publications K. Niedenzu, P. M. Niedenzu, and K. R. Warner, Boron Derivatives of 3-Methylpyrazole, Inorg. Chem. 1985, 24, 1604-1606. C. M. Clark, M. K. Das, E. Hanecker, J. F. Mariatequi, K. Niedenzu, P. M. Niedenzu, H. Nth, and K. R. Warner, B-Halogenated Pyrazaboles, Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 2310-2317. K. Niedenzu and K. R. Woodrum, Triazole Derivatives of Boron, Inorg. Chem. 1989, 28, 4022-4026. POGIL in the Large ɫƵ Lecture. Presentation at the 2006 National American Chemical Society Conference, San Francisco CA. Course redesign: Comparing POGIL to other teaching formats. Presentation at the 2008 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington IN. POGIL after the Bell Ring: What to do When Time is Up but the Lesson Isnt. Presentation at the 2010 National American Chemical Society Conference, Boston, MA Teaching Carbohydrates Using Molecular Models. Presentation at 2010 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Penn State University, University Park, PA. Using MOOCs to Enhance Student Learning in ɫƵ. Presentation at 2014 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI. Course Redesign Based upon Long Range Learning Outcomes. Presentation at 2014 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI. Other Publications Study Guide to Accompany ɫƵ, 9th Edition by Raymond Chang. McGraw-Hill, 2006. Study Guide to Accompany ɫƵ, 10th Edition by Raymond Chang. McGraw-Hill, 2009. Powerpoint Presentation to Accompany General, Organic and Biochemistry, 3rd, 4th and 7th Edition by Denniston, Topping, Carat. McGraw-Hill, 2000, 2004, 2010. Study Guide to Accompany General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 7th Edition by Katherine Denniston and Joseph Topping. McGraw-Hill, 2010. Co-author of General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 8th Edition with Katherine Dennison and Joseph Topping. McGraw-Hill. (Text comes out in January 2013) Service for the ɫƵ and Beyond Invited speaker to the College of Arts and Sciences Town Hall Meeting CarolineCore Program Review, University of South Carolina. September 2013. American Chemical Society Exam Institute: General ɫƵ Conceptual Exam Committee, 2012 2015. American Chemical Society Exam Institute: General ɫƵ Paired Exam Committee. Fall 2015 - present. ɫƵ Faculty Senate. 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